In Scandinavia ice and snow cause slippery situations every winter, causing 300.000 people end up in the hospital because of slipping. A well known solution is wearing ice-tracks, but these are not allowed inside shops as they damage the floor with their spikes. Klaveness asked us to investigate and develop a reversible Ice Track which could hinge under the sole and lock at the rear. This makes it easy to change from ice track to normal shoe sole, without using tools.
The initial idea and product has been successfully patented by Klaveness and is currently being integrated into their line of winter shoes of 2015-2016. The use of 3D-printed parts (in this case rubber-like filament) gave us the potential to quickly iterate between different designs and evaluate shapes. In the end we could even cast prototype with integrated metal spikes using a 3D-printed mould.
ClientKlavenessServicesProof of ConceptYear2014Linkwww.klaveness.no